Connor's Birth Story
Arrived at 12:54 pm on June 10/93.
He weighed 8 pounds 14 ounces.
Connor was due May 26, 1993. I endured two weeks worth of phone calls asking me if that baby had been born yet. I was eager and ready to try an induction at two weeks overdue and couldn't wait to get that extra weight out of my body.
Father and I arrived at the hospital at 7:30 am the morning of June 10. At 8 am the nurse came into my room to insert an IV. I'd never had an IV before and I was quite a bit nervous. I told the nurse that I was prone to fainting when having needles or getting blood drawn. Since I was already lying down on the bed I didn't give it much more thought and I don't think it worried the nurse too much. She started putting in the IV and everything went black. Next thing I know I'm starting to focus on the very worried looking face of a nurse. I remember thinking to myself 'Where am I?......I think that's a nurse......Yes....that's a nurse alright....I think I'm in the hospital.....Yup, I'm in the hospital......Oh my God! I'm in the hospital and that's a nurse! What happened to me??!!' It took a few minutes before I recalled why I was in the hospital and I felt so bad about scaring the nurse by fainting.
Contractions started a few minutes after they put the oxytocin in the drip and they were pretty regular and strong. By 12:30 pm I was going through transition [the doctor and the nurse couldn't believe how fast things were going] and this time when it came time to push I was determined not to be at it for an hour and a half so I pushed as hard as I could. Less than 10 minutes passed and Connor arrived. 12:54 pm, 8 pounds, 14 ounces.
This was a very fast, easy delivery. The only downside was that the combination of the size of his head and my hurry to push him out I ended up with a nasty tear that never did quite heal properly. My second beautiful baby boy had arrived.