August 22, 1999

Again, I got out of bed around 6:30 am. Bob's parents and my mother showed up at around 9:30 am. Biopsy and VAD placement was scheduled for 11:00 am.

We all walked down to the O.R. together. Luke was held in his dad's arms. The anesthetist met us at the entrance and talked to us briefly about what she was going to do. Questions about allergies and adverse reactions were asked of us. We weren't aware of any.

Only one of us were allowed to accompany Luke into the O.R. so Bob gowned up and carried him in. Bob was able to hold him as the drug was administered that would make him fall asleep. He met us back at the entrance and we all went to have something to eat.

About an hour and a half passed before we were able to go to Luke in recovery. Seeing him was a mixed blessing. It was good to see Luke alive. It was more difficult to see him completely out of it with an oxygen mask on his face. The nurses were a bit concerned because his oxygen level kept dropping too low every time they tried to remove the mask.

After an hour we were taken back up to our room. We were informed that Luke had already received a couple of doses of morphine. He wasn't waking up.

In the room, an oxygen tube was taped to his nose. His VAD was accessed and tested. The nurse then unhooked the I.V. in his arm. Luke barely moved through all of this.

Visitors came and went. So did nurses and doctors. Dr. Webber, the surgeon, stopped by and informed us that although he was prepared to pull Luke's testicles down during the procedure, it wasn't necessary as they must have fallen into place within the last 24 hours. How's that for small miracles?

By early evening I was exhausted and was ready to finally sleep. Luke was irritable and wanted to be held or rocked. Bob and I took turns holding him. Medicines were given, blood was taken, and temperature and blood pressure were measured. Despite everything that was going on, I was able to get about 3 hours of deep sleep, although, it wasn't all in a row.

Luke and VAD
Taken the day we got home from the hospital, but in this picture you can see the lump on his right chest where the VAD was implanted
